Set during the Cold War period in the 1980s, The Americans is the story of Elizabeth and Philip Jennings, two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and their neighbor, Stan Beeman, an FBI Counterintelligence agent. The Americans Release: WEB-DL 1080P Filesize: EP: 2.3GB ~ 5GB | […]
Results for Holly Taylor
ManifestManifest – After landing from a turbulent but routine flight, the crew and passengers of Montego Air Flight 828 discover five years have passed in what seemed like a few hours. As their new realities become clear, a deeper mystery unfolds and some of the returned passengers soon realize they may be meant for something […]
- DirectorJeff Rake
- GenresDrama, Mystery
- CastDaryl Edwards, Holly Taylor, J.R. Ramirez