Xiaolin Showdown is an American animated television series that aired on Kids WB and was created by Christy Hui. Set in a world where martial arts battles and Eastern magic are commonplace, the series follows four young warriors in training that battle the forces of evil. They do this by protecting Shen Gong Wu from villains that would use them to conquer the world.
Originally airing on the Kids’ WB block of programming on WB Network in 2003, the series ran for 3 seasons and 52 episodes. Typical episodes revolve around a specific Shen Gong Wu being revealed which results in both sides racing to find it. Episodes usually reach a head when one good and one evil character must challenge each other to a magical duel called a Xiaolin Showdown for possession of the artifact.
A sequel series titled Xiaolin Chronicles was previewed on August 26, 2013 on Disney XD. It began its long-term run on September 14 the same year.
Xiaolin Showdown
Release: WEB-DL 1080P
Filesize: EP: 300MB ~ 600MB | S01: 7.2GB / S02: 7.7GB / S03: 4GB
1ª Season – WEB-DL 1080P
2ª Season – WEB-DL 1080P
3ª Season – WEB-DL 1080P
Arquivo/Filename: Xiaolin.Showdown.S01E01.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+2.0.x264.Dual-Zicaman-Yatogam1.mkv
Tamanho/Filesize: 565 MiB
Duração/Duration: 21 min 27 s
Video: High@L4 | 1920×1080 @ 3 330 kb/s ~ 15.0 Mb/s
Áudio/Audio: Portuguese AC3 / 2 CH 128 kb/s | English EAC3 / 2 CH 224 kb/s
Legenda/Subtitle: English
Arquivo/Filename: Xiaolin.Showdown.S01E02.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+2.0.x264.Dual-Zicaman-Yatogam1.mkv
Tamanho/Filesize: 615 MiB
Duração/Duration: 21 min 34 s
Video: High@L4 | 1920×1080 @ 3 629 kb/s ~ 15.0 Mb/s
Áudio/Audio: Portuguese AC3 / 2 CH 128 kb/s | English EAC3 / 2 CH 224 kb/s
Legenda/Subtitle: English
Arquivo/Filename: Xiaolin.Showdown.S01E03.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+2.0.x264.Dual-Zicaman-Yatogam1.mkv
Tamanho/Filesize: 565 MiB
Duração/Duration: 21 min 36 s
Video: High@L4 | 1920×1080 @ 3 305 kb/s ~ 15.0 Mb/s
Áudio/Audio: Portuguese AC3 / 2 CH 128 kb/s | English EAC3 / 2 CH 224 kb/s
Legenda/Subtitle: English